The Official Statutes of the League of Ecological Alternatives (LEA)
Article No. 1
Name and residence
Liga ekologických alternativ (below just "League") has its residence in Prague 3 Žizkov (Chlumova 17, 130 00). The English equivalent of its name sounds: The League of Ecological Alternatives, the German equivalent sounds: Liga für Oekologischen Alternativen.
Article No. 2
Character (general nature) of League
League is a voluntary, non-government, non-profit association of individuals and legal entities according to No. 83/1990 Legal Act including its later regulations, in which supporters of a necessity of a sustainable energetics, more friendly to nature and human, and supporters of a sustainable farming in the landscape joined for systematic propagation and assertion of this goal. League is a corporation according to the Czech law.
Article No. 3
Fundamental goals of League
Fundamental goals of League are especially:
a) |
to promote possibilities of renewable energy resources exploitation, their savings and water savings and ways connected with it towards sustainable farming in the landscape and helping to the way of life more friendly to nature;
b) |
to search, awake and promote activities leading to the meeting this aim in all regions of the Czech republic;
c) |
consumer protection; |
d) |
to collaborate with similarly orientated associations and individuals in the Czech republic and abroad.
Article No. 4
Activity forms of League
Activity forms of League include:
a) |
broad edifying, it means educational, pedagogical, informative, popularisational, promotional, possibly advertising activities, exhibitions and other relevant enterprises arrangement;
b) |
organisation of visitations, seminars, conferences, courses, presentations, demonstrational, culture and other relevant actions;
c) |
development of various forms of publicity, promotion and possibly advertisement.
Article No. 5
Membership in League
1. |
The individual more than 15 years old can be a member of League. The membership in League arises on the basis of accepting of a written application by the League member's meeting.
2. |
Also the legal entity can be a member of League that pursues activities conformable with goals of League and whose written application and - if member's meeting decides this way - as well another written agreement between it and League is accepted by member's meeting.
3. |
Two thirds' majority of League member's votes is necessary to incorporation of an individual or a legal entity as a member of League. A member's meeting decides this way mostly on the basis of a long-term successful collaboration between League and an applicant for membership.
4. |
The individual is a constituent member that participates in activities of a preparatory committee and no reasonable objections were challenged to his/her membership by other members of a preparatory committee, or the individual that is incorporates as a member during the first member's meeting after the registration of League.
5. |
The member's meeting can elect honorary members of League on the basis of proposal of League committee. A honorary member has rights and duties of a League member but he is released from the duty to pay a registration fee and membership fees, he cannot be elected into the bodies of League and he has only an consultative vote during decision making of the League member's meeting.
6. |
A League member has the right to:
a) |
elect a committee and other bodies of LEA, be elected into these bodies;
b) |
submit proposals, suggestions and mentions;
c) |
judge and confirm reports of League activities;
d) |
participate in activities and actions of League;
e) |
pay as annual membership fees higher amounts than stated by member's meeting resolution.Člen Ligy má právo:
7. |
A League member has to:
a) |
observe the statutes;
b) |
pay a registration fee and annual membership fees in the size stated by a member's meeting. A registration fee is payable within 14 days after an acceptation of his/her membership by member's meeting (in case of constituent members within 2 months after a registration).
8. |
The membership in League ceases by:
a) |
service of a written announcement about the member's leaving to the address of a League committee;
b) |
resolution of the member's meeting about suspension;
c) |
dishonour of a membership fee or a registration fee despite of a written call delivered after a payment term expiration;
d) |
death of a League member;
e) |
cessation of the existence of a legal entity that is a League member;
f) |
cessation of the existence of League itself.
| |
Article No. 6 Organisation arrangement
1. |
The member's meeting is the supreme body of League that meets with minimum frequency of once a year. The member's meeting:
a) |
approves League statutes and changes of statutes by two thirds' majority of all League members;
b) |
elects at least a three members committee of League and a chairman of League as a statutory representative for term of office of one year and withdraws them if need be
c) |
elects an auditor of League;
d) |
approves a report of League activities and report of economy during the previous period submitted by committee of League;
e) |
approves an auditor's report submitted by an auditor;
f) |
determines a concept of a League activity and its goals for the next period;
g) |
determines the size of a registration fee and membership fees;
h) |
approves a preliminary budget of League for the given period
i) |
resolves on induction of new members of League and elects honorary members according to the League committee proposal;
j) |
resolves with two thirds' majority on suspension of League member according to Article No. 5 subtopic 8 b) and c);
k) |
resolves with two thirds' majority on cessation of the existence of League, on transfer of the property and rights of League a given succession subject;
2. |
The League member's meeting is convened by a League committee. The member's meeting makes decisions by absolute majority of present members if these statutes do not determine differently in some cases. The member's meeting is able to pass resolutions if the absolute majority of all League members is present. If the member's meeting is not able to pass resolutions the League committee convenes the substitutive member's meeting at latest within the period of one month after the date of the original member's meeting; the substitutive meeting of members is able to pass resolutions regardless of the number of present League members.
3. |
Members of League committee and the auditor are elected by the member's meeting. The candidates are elected that obtain most of votes. In case more mandates are to be engaged by the only vote, mandates are occupied according to order of obtained votes. In case the equality of votes number given to several candidates is found out during the occupation of the last mandate, all these candidates are elected if the member's meeting does not decide the other way.
4. |
The League activity is managed by its committee during the period between member's meetings. The chairman of League manages the committee. The chairman has to ensure the function of economist of League. The chairman's vote decides in case of the equality of votes in League committee. Meetings of League committee are open for members of League. The league committee is obliged to notify League members of running and results of its meeting.
5. |
The League committee is obliged to call the member's meeting within 4 weeks in case at least half of League members ask for it in writing.
6. |
The auditor supervises the League economy and works out an auditor's report that he submits to the member's meeting with minimum frequency of once a year.
7. |
The chairman acts in the name of League or the League member authorised by a chairman or a committee. These persons have the right to release points of view and statements of League on the basis of discussion of these items during the member's meeting or League committee meeting. The economist of League also acts in the name of League in economic points.
Article No. 7
Economy of League
1. |
The income of League consists of membership fees of its members, registration fees, donations, grants for specific purposes, subsidies and incomes from non-profit activities in accordance with goals of League.
2. |
Expenses of League are focused to achievement of goals stated in Article No. 3 and in accordance with activity forms stated in Article No. 4 of these statutes.
3. |
The committee of League works out a draft budget of League and it is approved by the member's meeting. The economist of League ensures the routine economy of League and he is responsible for its accuracy. The economy is audited by the auditor of League.
Article No. 8
Property settlement in case of cessation of League existence
In case of cessation of League existence its property is transferred by League to determined succession subject after the performed liquidation or to another legal entity or individual whose goals are close to goals of League and that occupies itself with non-profit activities.
Prague, 5th May 2005
Liga Ekologických Alternativ
Bezručova 605, 276 01 Mělník 606 453 892, 723 573 738,